Three application layers
Commun Axiom is made of three main segments:
- A central part is hosted on the cloud. This portion is essentially invisible to the user, it is the heart of the platform.
- A user-exposed but web-based portion. This portion allows for account management as well as support for extended features adding flexibility to the platform.
- A locally hosted portion whose purpose is to allow users to manage their data and ensure proper management of data sources before sharing with external partners.
In addition to these three application layers, an Open ID Connect (OIDC) service is implemented to ensure the security of activities taking place on the platform.
There are three applications in the ecosystem that are visible and distinct to users:
- The Accounts application
- The Commons Client
- The Let's Agree application
The other applications are mainly for the use of the platform administrators or are simply services that are accessed by the applications to ensure the proper functioning of the software.